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Mike's Pilot Log: South to South Adventure

...after another one and a half hours we had our visas!

Back to a very expensive and frustrating Internet café. Off to the Nigerian embassy for the 5th time ….we have spent a total of 7 days now either waiting for the embassy to open or sitting and waiting to get a Nigerian visa. Olivier was quite pushy and the short fat Nigerian eventually picked up the phone and called someone. From then on it was an easy downhill ride all the way – we were given the application forms, paid the money fees, and after another one and a half hours we had our visas.

Went for a beer to celebrate. Back to the hotel. Too late to go tomorrow, too many things to prepare for such a long flight. Will fly on Sunday.


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All text and images © 1995-2004, Mike Blyth/Olivier Aubert